Facilities :

• 5 rooms with attached toilets bath with western commodes with extra toilets and baths.
• Kitchen and Dining areas
• One Room designed for physically challenged people and veterans.
• Basic First Aid
• Performance Stage
• Parking for buses and cars
• Amphitheater
• Obstacle Training area for outbound training
• Open area for star gazing and interactive activities
• Solar and regular electric circuits
• Safe Drinking water
• Bone fire area
• Barbecue place
• Cycle stand
• Wi-Fi connectivity

Here are some of our basic tariff plans.

If you call us, we would love to help you in making a custom tariff plan just for you.

 INR/Each facilityTypeNo. facilityDuration
16,500Camper’s Rooms (Attached 2 Toilets/Bathrooms)3 Rooms24 Hours
2850Family Rooms (Attached Toilets & Bathrooms)2 Rooms24 Hours
31,200Kitchen124 Hours
43000Obstacle ground*106 Hours
5500Performance Stage105 Hours
6500Amphitheatre105 Hours
7650Personal Tent pitching (3 men tents)Maximum 12 Tents24 Hours
88004 men Nylon Igloo tent rent4 Tents24 Hours
92,000Arctic Parachute Tent rent (12 persons)1 Tent24 Hours
101,000Barbeque facilities304 Hours
112,500Tree House (Two person only)*124 Hours
12750Eco Guide308 Hours

(*Area under construction)

Important instructions to be followed for your well organized program:

• All the rules and regulations shall have to be strictly followed. Instructions given by eco guide or/and volunteers are to be followed.
• Book your date/s at-least 2 weeks prior.
• 50% advance of accommodation charge. (Non-refundable deposit)
• This is remote forest area having home stay facilities and participants will not have all the facilities as hotel, resort or leisure place; they will have to share and bear the Nature and local conditions of the respective place.
• All travellers/visitors/participants have to help themselves. Self-service place.
• Cancellation charges will be applicable as per situation and terms of business.