Heritage & Architecture :

Human Habitat / Village Study : For all those who reside in the fast developing cities, vertical growth is the only option for infrastructural advances. In our multi-dimensional environment, we offer the quencher, a study tour to learn about different residential as well as commercial structures made by earth loving village people and Nature loving tribal friends. Study of shelter and space designed to sustain in various natural conditions. The aim to inculcate a sense of relationship towards our own homes and learn new life style hacks. Design with nature for healthy living.

Heritage, Art and Architecture : In a world where heritage is threatened entity, we are more than happy to organize architectural study tours to some of the important yet forgotten monuments. Polo Jain temple (Sabarkantha) study is an exquisite study in itself. We also welcome artists to revel in the beautiful ambience of our site and immense themselves in art and its mystique. Saputara Creative Art Workshop in summer season initiates art lovers of all age groups to paint the world in the colour of their choice. Paper or clay modeling, sketching, marble painting, mural painting, town planning, face painting, along with mild adventure activities are the activities to mould personalities. Night sky watch or stargazing is amazing experience from there.