Weather at the retreat

Health and Nutrition

Health and Nutrition :

Organic farming : Food now a days in not free of harmful chemicals, insecticides, synthetic fertilizer that prove to be carcinogenic. We cultivate our own crops in a healthy, organic manner that is virtually chemically free with nutritive value carefully preserved by use of natural fertilizers. Rich in vitamins and minerals, high on health quotient, all our food is prepared from organic crops. We also welcome our visitors to join in the process of ‘health growing’ where they can explore the world of farming in their own way, grow their own good veggies and satisfy the deep rooted ‘creator’ in their beings.

Garbh Sanskar : Parenthood is the ultimate joy for a couple, and their desire to instill good values in their yet–to–arrive, bundle of joy is well understood by us. A hopeful method connecting to the baby via meditation, reading, interaction, balance of energy, peaceful music and motivational talks can surely have a profoundly positive impact on the body. It helps the woman to achieve a perfect balance to conceive and give birth to a healthy, beautiful and intellectual child. It is a complete guide on Nutrition, Yoga, Spiritual life and Wellness before pregnancy and till the child is 2-3 yrs. We consider ourselves blessed to be able to help and be a part of this process.

Medicinal Plant Study : Though medical science has advanced a lot, it has certain limitation such as drug, resistance or adverse reactions. Our age old ‘Ayurved’ aims to cure the disease from its roots and at the same time, is free from harmful reactions. We make an effort to help you connect with our ancient but very effective way of treating maladies. At Gova hill forest there are nearly 214 species of flora among them many medicinal plants are still used by local tribal and rural community. You have an opportunity to study these medicinal plant species and its way of use.